Pain is a good prognosticator, writing about it is cathartic, it gives meaning to the multi-layered human experience. Love is real, too. If only a smile could come from this, I'd be happy...

Keeping the Faith

Born into music, raised on pop, matured on rock/folk/psychedelia, with a bit of country/R&B mixed in. Life gives you the canvas, the left brain creates the pencils & images. Life is all I know how to write, but happiness is not an instigator. If anything, it's an enemy, a Cain meets Abel sibling to keep it boring. Nevertheless, balance is good. To create is to live. Nuff said.


This Artist has 1 Album


ArchLord II
over 30 days ago to Anthony Blue

hi there :)
we have a great song here now...
and, hey...
there's TWO of us now...!!!

anyway, we hope you enjoy our all-original music
which we created
and which we sell
which we are allowed to do
until a lawyer stops us
until then, we hide the cash
we dont give receipts, we dont keep books.
we can say we only sold three copies.

then, we say "we're sorry, judge, really"
then, we smile :)
then, we tell the judge that we'll pay damages of...

so, go have a quick listen, you'll enjoy it..!!

over 30 days ago to Anthony Blue